Friday 12 June 2015

Snowden NSA: Germany drops Merkel phone-tapping probe

Angela MerkelGermany has dropped an investigation into alleged tapping of Chancellor Angela Merkel's phone by the US National Security Agency (NSA).

The office of federal prosecutor Harald Range said the NSA had failed to provide enough evidence to justify legal action.
The allegations of NSA phone-tapping came out in the secrets leaked by US whistleblower Edward Snowden about large-scale US surveillance in 2013.German-US ties were severely strained.
When the allegations were made the White House gave no outright denial, but said Mrs Merkel's phone was not being bugged currently and would not be in future.
On 4 June last year Mr Range said "sufficient factual evidence exists that unknown members of the US intelligence services spied on the mobile phone of Chancellor Angela Merkel".
But in December he revealed that the investigation was not going well and he had not obtained enough evidence to succeed in court.
Source BBC

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