Thursday 15 October 2015

ISIS vows revenge as it confirms second in command WAS killed in air strike

Islamic State supporters wave the group''s flag

The recording, released on social media, says Abu Mutaz al-Quarashi, who was also known as Fadhil Ahmad al-Hayali, was wiped out when the Americans carried out an air strike in the Iraqi city of Mosul on August 21.

Now the group says it is seeking revenge and will be targeting Russia in retribution for its bombing campaign in Syria.

The White House said al-Hayali was a leading member of ISIS’s ruling council and responsible for moving huge caches of weapons, bombs, vehicles and people between Iraq and Syria.
ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani launched a tirade during the audio message, released on Jihadist websites, calling on Muslims to start a "holy war" against Russians and Americans over what it called their "crusaders' war" in the Middle East.

Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin is determined to combat ISIS
He said: "Islamic youth everywhere, ignite jihad against the Russians and the Americans in their crusaders' war against Muslims.”
The recording has emerged as United States and Russia continue carrying out separate air strike campaigns in Syria, which they say are targeting ISIS

A female jihadist
A female jihadist stands in a street in the Syrian city of Aleppo
The audio made no specific mention of the evil jihadi group's leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, whose health and whereabouts became a subject of speculation on Sunday when an ISIS convoy was blasted during a US-led raid which consisted of 18 air strikes over Iraq.
Eight senior ISIS figures were killed as they made their way to a meeting in Karbala, a town in Iraq’s Anbar province near the Syrian border, however confusion remains over whether Baghdadi was among the dead.

A street in Homs, Syria

A bombed street in the Homs district of Syria, targeted during Russian airstrikes
Explosives, equipment and a building were also wiped out during a raid near Ramadi on Monday.
In addition, the coalition has also conducted two air strikes targeting ISIS in Syria while Russia continued its bombardment carrying out a total of 55 sorties over the the war-torn country.
Washington said Moscow's campaign has mainly targeted other insurgent groups including those that have fought Islamic State, a charge Russia denies.

Source Yahoo

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