Wednesday 25 March 2015

BREAKING NEWS!! Nigeria denies Boko Haram seized 500 children

Nigerien soldiers patrol on foot in the recently recaptured northern town of Damasak on 24 March 2015Damasak is reportedly under the control of troops from neighbouring Niger 

Nigeria's government has denied that militant Islamist group Boko Haram abducted 500 children from the north-eastern town of Damasak.

A former resident said on Tuesday that the militants had taken away about 500 boys when they fled the town earlier this month.
Government spokesman Mike Omeri said the number was lower, but he could not say exactly how many had been seized.
Regional forces recaptured Damasak, a trading town, earlier in March.
Mr Omeri said that the militants released some women and children when they fled the town, but not those "they had married in the period of occupation".
The militants were using them as "protection" and the government had ordered "full military intervention" to secure their release, he said.
Damasak is in Borno state near Niger's border and is about 200km (120 miles) from the state's main city of Maiduguri.
A girl drinks water as women queue for blankets and food given out by Nigerien soldiers in Damasak on 24 March 2015Damasak residents lived under Boko Haram's rule until regional troops regain control of the town 

Damasak businessman Malam Ali, whose brother is among those missing, told the BBC Hausa Service on Tuesday that young boys had been put in a madrassa, or Islamic school, by Boko Haram when they took over the town at the end of last year.
Following the recapture of the town, those boys, numbering about 500, had not been accounted for, he said, while Reuters news agency quoted residents as saying more than 400 women and children had been abducted.

Chibok girls

BBC Nigeria correspondent Will Ross says the conflict has torn many families apart.
As towns have changed hands it has been impossible to work out how many people have been killed and how many are missing, he add
Is the tide turning against Boko Haram?
Regional force tackles militants
Is Islamic State shaping Boko Haram media?
Who are Boko Haram?
Last week, the decomposing bodies of more than 70 people were discovered under a bridge near Damasak.
Nigeria's military has still failed to free more than 200 girls abducted more than a year ago from Chibok, also in Borno state.
The abductions caused international outrage, and foreign governments promised to help Nigeria 's military find the girls.
Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau has said the girls have been married off.
The group has waged a six-year insurgency in Nigeria to create an Islamic state, killing thousands of people and capturing many towns and villages.
Regional forces launched an offensive about six weeks ago to regain territory ahead of delayed presidential and parliamentary elections, now due on Saturday.
Wanted poster for Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau in Maiduguri, Nigeria - May 2013
  • Founded in 2002, initially focused on opposing Western-style education
  • Boko Haram means "Western education is forbidden" in the Hausa language
  • Launched military operations in 2009 to create an Islamic state
  • Thousands killed, mostly in north-eastern Nigeria
  • Has also attacked police and UN headquarters in capital, Abuja
  • Abducted hundreds, including at least 200 schoolgirls
  • Pledged allegiance to Islamic State

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