Monday 23 March 2015

BREAKING NEWS!! Singapore mourns founding father Lee Kuan Yew

Candles lit to form RIP at community club in Singapore. 23 March 23Tributes for Lee Kuan Yew at Singapore General Hospital. 23 March 2015Flowers, messages and other tributes have been piled up outside the hospital where Lee Kuan Yew died 
Singapore has begun seven days of national mourning following the death of its founding father, Lee Kuan Yew
Mr Lee, who was 91, led Singapore's transformation from a small port city to one of the wealthiest nations in the world.
World leaders have paid tribute to Mr Lee, who served as the city-state's prime minister for 31 years.
US President Barack Obama described him as a "giant of history" whose advice had been sought by other world leaders.
Chinese President Xi Jinping said Mr Lee was a widely respected strategist and statesman, and Russian President Vladimir Putin described him as one of the "patriarchs" of world politics.
The period of national mourning will culminate in a state funeral next Sunday and Mr Lee's body is to lie in state at parliament from Wednesday to Saturday.
A private family wake is taking place on Monday and Tuesday.
News of Mr Lee's death came in a government statement that said he had "passed away peacefully" in the early hours of Monday at Singapore General Hospital. Mr Lee had been in hospital for several weeks with pneumonia and was on life support.
State television broke away from its normal schedules and broadcast rolling tributes.
Crowds greet hearse as it arrives at the Istana, Singapore. 23 March 2015Crowds greeted the hearse as it arrived at the Istana compound 
Woman cries as she arrives at Singapore hospital with flowers. 23 March 2015Thousands are expected to sign a book of condolence at the Istana 
Messages and flowers left at the Tanjong Pagar community centre, Singapore. 23 March 2015 
Lee Kuan Yew was a charismatic but often controversial politician   
Photo exhibition on Lee Kuan Yew set up in the Tanjong Pagar Community Club, Singapore. 23 March 2015
As evening fell, many Singaporeans were continuing to arrive at the Istana, the compound housing the president's official residence and the prime minister's office, where a book of condolence has been placed.
Earlier, some chanted "Mr Lee, Mr Lee" as a hearse carrying the former leader's body arrived at the compound.
An area has also been set aside outside the hospital for flowers and other tributes.
"I'm so sad. He is my idol. He's been so good to me, my family and everyone," said resident Lua Su Yean, 64.
"His biggest achievement is that from zero he's built up today's Singapore."
Books of condolence have also been opened at all Singapore's overseas missions.
In an emotional televised address, Mr Lee's son, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, paid tribute to him.
"He fought for our independence, built a nation where there was none, and made us proud to be Singaporeans. We won't see another man like him," he said.
Singapore's Foreign Minister, K Shanmugam, told the BBC's Newsday programme that Mr Lee was "George Washington and Churchill combined for Singaporeans".
"There is deep sense of loss, a deep sense of grief," he said.
Business in bustling Singapore carried on as normal. At the stock exchange, the normal stream of market prices displayed on a bank of screens instead read: Remembering Lee Kuan Yew, 16 September 1923 to 23 March 2015.
Lee Kuan Yew - widely known as LKY - oversaw Singapore's independence from Britain and separation from Malaysia and co-founded the People's Action Party (PAP), which has governed Singapore since 1959.

Lee Kuan Yew on the role of the state

Singapore's first Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew speaks during a rally at Farrer park in Singapore on 15 August 1955

I am often accused of interfering in the private lives of citizens. Yes, if I did not, had I not done that, we wouldn't be here today (National Day Rally in 1986)
In quotes: Lee Kuan Yew
Mr Lee set about creating a highly educated work force fluent in English, and reached out to foreign investors to turn Singapore into a manufacturing hub.
He embarked on a programme of slum clearance, industrialisation and tackling corruption. He was a fierce advocate of a multi-racial Singapore.
However, Mr Lee also introduced tight controls, and one of his legacies was a clampdown on the press - tight restrictions that remain in place today.
Dissent - and political opponents - were ruthlessly quashed. Today, PAP remains firmly in control. There are currently six opposition lawmakers in parliament.
Other measures, such as corporal punishment, a ban on chewing gum and the government's foray into matchmaking for Singapore's brightest - to create smarter babies - led to perceptions of excessive state interference.
Mr Lee criticised what he saw as the overly liberal approach of the US and the West, saying it had "come at the expense of orderly society".


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